As advertized, the captial of Costa Rica, San Jose, is not a pretty city. We spent an hour on our tour bus picking up others at their hotels which gave Jeff and me a real taste of the city. Traffic was CRAZY! We confirmed what we had read online, that taxi and tour drivers don't use numbered addresses to find locations, but use landmarks. Many of the streets are not even named! People were everywhere; our tour guide informed us that Costa Ricans have just received their Christmas bonuses and had started to shop for Christmas. Also, we did see a few cut Christmas trees tied onto tops of vehicles just like in the States.
Jeff and I experienced an amazing experience on Saturday, Nov. 28th. We visited the Braulio Carrillo National Park and rode a tram over the rainforest canopy, took a walk through parts and then had lunch, outside in the middle of the rainforest.
It was amazing. The pictures we took don't do justice in representing the beauty. Riding above the forest you could hear the plants hitting our tram underneath us, birds calling back and forth, monkeys declaring their territory and all of the small waterfalls and streams.
We saw an ant city that was very large, with an estimated 8 million residents. The dirt was cut in steps over a vast area of land by these ants. They were everywhere, in single file, carrying a piece of leaf that they had cut off, but they don't eat the actual leaves. They take them into their ant holes, allowing the leaves to turn into a fungus which in turn is what they eat.
Jeff saw a toucan and we both saw one of the most venemous snakes in the world, a fer-de-lance. On our way to the rainforest, we drove through a cloud forest, which was beautiful in its own right.