Wednesday, December 2, 2009

I forgot... add that McDonalds, Subway and other fast foods deliver to the local hotels! What you learn from other cultures.

PS - listening to K-LOVE online and Bing Crosby is singing, "White Christmas". I'm glad because with the weather it does not feel anything like Christmastime, even with all of the decorations I see here. Honestly, I feel like its summertime and my brain can't mesh that fact with the reality that it IS Christmastime. :-)

(BTW, in Costa Rica, due to the Catholic influence, there are so many Nativity scenes and so little Santa Clause. Jeff and I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it. The real reason for Christmas comes through in Costa Rica. We wish we would see more of this in America, instead of reading stories of people suing over Nativity scenes in yards, etc.)

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